Peace Be Still!

Grace & Peace, BeYouties!

John 14:27 (AMP)- “Peace I leave with you; My perfect peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give you. Do not let your heart be troubled, not let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]

Where does your peace lie? Are you at peace? How do you know? Where is your anchor?

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Melani PearsonComment
Dear Beloved....~A Father's Love~

My Beloved Daughter,

Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, I knew you. (Jeremiah 1:5). Every day of your life was written in My book before one of them came to be. I designed you with purpose, and My plans for you are good—plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

I have loved you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3). You are fearfully and wonderfully made, crafted by My hands with purpose and intention. You are no accident, no mistake; you are My masterpiece. (Psalm 139:14)

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Melani PearsonComment
Being Empty for God: Trusting When It’s Hard

Grace and Peace, BeYouties!

Have you ever participated in the “Trust” game? It’s the exercise where you stand in front of someone, close your eyes, and fall backward, trusting that they’ll catch you. I’ve engaged in that game a few times in my life, and to be honest, I’ve come to realize just how difficult trust can be for me. Trusting others has always been a significant challenge. After experiencing betrayal or hurt, it’s tempting to think, “I’ll never trust them—or anyone else—again.”

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Melani PearsonComment

Grace and Peace, BeYouties!

“For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” — Romans 11:29

I want to be transparent with you today because I know the power of vulnerability and the freedom it brings. It’s been months since I last shared a devotional. Not because I didn’t have things to say or because I no longer believed in God’s goodness—but because I stopped believing in myself.

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Melani Pearson Comment
Becoming Empty to Be Filled!

Grace and Peace, BeYouties!

In my recent grocery order, I treated myself to a full bag of vibrant red cherries. Those who know me know my passion for all things fruit, so you can imagine my excitement as I eagerly awaited the arrival of these dark-red beauties.

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Melani PearsonComment
The Covering of the Blanket!

Grace and Peace, BeYouties!

As a child, did you have a beloved item like a blanket, toy, or book that you just couldn't bear to part with? Perhaps you found solace in hiding under a blanket when things frightened you and you found comfort and security in the simple act of covering your head. In that moment, you felt shielded from the world and you knew that nothing could harm you.

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Melani Pearson
⭐️Who Are You?!⭐️

Hey, BeYouties!

Do you ever find yourself asking that question? Who Am I?  I do, but when I ask that question, I am asking God instead of just myself. Why you may ask? Well, the answer is simple, it’s because I am constantly evolving daily. I have found that my whole identity lies in the one who created me and that is God. There was a time in my life when I couldn’t say that and I didn’t know who I was. There are such beautiful intricate details of who we are in God's eyes, but we all have struggled with identity issues in many various ways.

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Melani Pearson
Did I Ask You to Carry It?

Hey BeYOUties!

How many of you have had moments in life where everything just felt too heavy? Have you ever suddenly awoken in the middle of the night with a heavy burden that you just couldn’t shake?

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Melani Pearson
The Recovery Room!

Hey, BeYouties!

Have you ever had to navigate a period in your life requiring recovery, be it from a surgical procedure or another known circumstance? I recall a few years back when I had to undergo a tooth extraction due to it breaking during a childhood fall down the stairs,

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God Sees You!

Hey, BeYouties!

Do you ever catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror as you walk by and take a moment to admire the reflection staring back at you? I do. I do it often because it serves as a gentle reminder that the person I see is a reflection of many things, one of which is God's love for me.

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Melani Pearson