⭐️Happy Thanksgiving!⭐️ 🦃
Grace and Peace, BeYouties,
Happy Thanksgiving! May your day be filled with gratitude, joy, and the love of family and friends. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the blessings we have and share kindness with those around us. Wishing you and your family a holiday full of joy, warmth, delicious food, cherished memories, and full of blessings!
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⭐️There is Nothing too Hard for God!⭐️
Hey, BeYouties!
Y’all, life is like a box of chocolates! You never know what you are going to get. Have you ever heard the saying, "The encourager needs encouragement"? Well, today my purpose is to uplift you because I believe that all of you reading this are the ones who bring encouragement to others.
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No Matter What It Looks Like Don't Look Back!
Hey BeYouties,
Have you ever found yourself drawn back to something you knew wasn’t in your best interest to go back? Whether it’s a past relationship(friendship etc), job, ambiguous situationship, or a time in your life when things seemed great but your heart wasn’t fully invested. I am reminded that our decisions shape the course of our lives.
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🌟The Journey of You Podcast Feature🌟
Hey BeYouties!
Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Founder, Tonia Benas, of The Journey of You podcast and was able to speak about my journey of being Gracefully Broken into Gracefully Purposed
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🎄Merry Christmas🎄
Hey BeYouties!
Merry Christmas! I just wanted to stop by and personally wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.
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🌟Hey You, Yes You🌟
Hey Beauties!
As I sit here contemplating the simple act of peeling back the layers of an onion or an apple, I can't help but draw a beautiful parallel to our own lives. Just like these fruits, we too have layers that need to be gently peeled back in order to reveal our true essence and purpose.
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God's Guiding Light💡🌟
Hey Beauties!
As I reflect on my journey, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the incredible presence of God in my life. It's as if He always stands before me, gently flashing a flashlight, guiding me towards a better path. His voice whispers, "Hey, you've been going this way, but why don't you try going that way? I'm with you."
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You Can Run, But You Can't Hide!
Hey, Beauties!
Do you ever recall a time in your life when you tried to run away? Have you ever heard of the saying: “Running away from your problems is a race you’ll never win”? Now, I’ve never had the guts to run away from home at such a young age because if you were raised by no-nonsense, didn’t play that mess parents like mine were, then honey, I would have been skinned alive! LOL! But in all seriousness, I have heard stories from others who tried to run away from home because they didn’t want to face the consequences of their actions. When I was about ten years old, I remember getting in trouble at school because of my grades.
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Power of Words!
Hey, Beauties!
When you hear yourself speak, what do you say about yourself?
I was speaking with a friend the other day about the power of my words. I realized something, for most of my life, I have never spoken or believed that I was more than what I thought I was. I have never really spoken positively about myself until others began to see in me what I didn’t see in myself I never really believed that I was who God says that I AM. By the time I reached my late thirties, I had to begin understanding the value that I indeed carried. It had to begin with the words that I spoke into my life and over my life. You see I spoke into the lives of others but I didn’t speak into my own. Sheesh! Oh, the tears that are running down my face right now.
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Recognizing Your Beyoutiful Self
Hey, Beauties!
When was the last time you looked in the mirror and encouraged yourself? When was the last time you gave yourself affirmations of who you are? So, I ask WHO are you?
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty ~ Maya Angelou
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Battling Unbelief
Hey, Beauties!
Have you ever been in a situation where you had to try to convince yourself that it would happen but in the back of your mind, you felt it wouldn't? I was once in that position.
One morning as I awakened, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me, "Unbelief". I stopped and listened and yet again, I heard the word, Unbelief. I said, "God what do you mean? Is that what I have been carrying in my heart?" God answered me back and said, "Yes".....I didn’t understand. I thought that I operated in faith, I thought that I was in a position of trusting God through the impossible. Lately, I have been speaking boldly, declaring things that I have been praying about. He said to me “You don’t believe what I can do”. I heard the words; I heard my prayers, but did I really believe they would come to pass?
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Confronting Things You Have Avoided
Hey, Beauties!
Have you ever been led to do something that you know was God telling you to do it, but you were reluctant to do it, because of fear of not knowing how it would go? This could be apologizing to someone after years of not speaking to them or maybe confronting your past because it's had you in bondage for a really long time and it's time that you are set free.
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What Are You Building Your Foundation On?
Hey, Beauties!
What is your definition of foundation? Webster's dictionary defines it as the basis or ground work, or anything; that on which anything stands, and by which it is supported.
Matthew 7:24-25- "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25-"The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock."
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Puzzle Piece
Hey, Beauties!
Imagine having to put together 500 or more puzzles together. The process is time-consuming. Right? To properly put a puzzle together one must build the framework (outside border). Once the outer framework has been created you can then begin creating the inside of the puzzle. Each piece is properly sculpted or shaped in a way that can only be placed. It is built piece by piece until you have the complete picture. While putting the puzzle together you may reflect on how beautiful the picture looks on the box and you desire to finish quickly, but the process takes time. Think about the process that it takes for God to complete a work in us, but we as His children want to rush Him by doing it ourselves.
Ephesians 2:10-“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
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Knowing God Hears You!
Hey, Beauties!
It's Day 9 of the "100 Days of Believing Bigger," and today's subject is from the section of Trust.
How much peace does it give you to know that God actually hears you?
Listen I have struggled with this! With what, you may ask? Well, I struggled with the peace and belief that God hears me. I have always questioned if God is listening to me or if he has tuned me out. When I was a bit younger, raising my son, and just going through life, I would continually pray for things to change. I can recall lots of things that I've asked God for, and when it didn't happen, I was sure that He didn't hear me. I can remember crying myself to sleep in anger because nothing came to pass. When I was a teenager, growing into young adulthood, I remember my mother would always tell me to pray because I used to worry about everything. So I would pray, expecting God to answer. When nothing changed, I realize that it wasn't always because God didn't hear me; it was not time, or He was opening doors, but I was too blinded at the time to step in because I was expecting it to happen a different way.
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Secret Things-Doubting the Whisper of God
Hey, Beauties!
It's Day 8 of the "100 Days of Believing Bigger," and today's subject is from the section on Trust.
What whispers from God have you been doubting, overanalyzing, second-guessing, or flat-out ignoring?
Often I find myself questioning, "Did I really hear God." Doubt, second-guessing, and overanalyzing have a voice, and most of us may or may not be familiar with it. I remember when God told me to start this blog, "I said, come again, God." You want me to do what? I did not want to do it. I pondered on it for days and even went to close friends to get clarity from them. I was not a writer, and I had always written things within my thoughts and feelings, and I didn't want to share that. I began to overanalyze everything that could go wrong with this blog or what I would say.
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Undeniable Consistency
Hey, Beauties!
Oh, I have missed you so much! Happy New Year! It's 2021!!!!! I can't believe we are in a new year! I have to say all of 2020 was a test of trial and faith. I learned a lot and am still learning yet so much. One of the things that I told God that I would be was intentional and consistent with literally everything! Recently, I was given a devotional (from a sister-friend) by Marshawn Evans Daniels called "100 Days of Believing Bigger". Let me tell you; it has been a great source in really helping me reflect and face many things, including life questions. I wanted to spend the next 100 days sharing some of the things that I am learning, reflections on my life, self-discovery, uncovering my true identity, and challenging questions that I have never had to face. I know that God is calling me higher, and I know that He has great plans for my life.
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