Confronting Things You Have Avoided
Well, lately over the past God has been pressing upon my heart to reach out to my biological father......whom I haven’t spoken to off and on for many years. There has been a history of us talking to each other for some months and then we fall off throughout the years. I couldn’t understand why this pressing was so heavy. I kept saying that I would do it, but I was a bit hesitant and honestly a little afraid because I didn’t know what to expect. You see this was something that I sat on my shelf for some time, and it has been placed to the side. Lately, I have been hearing God say it’s time to make things new again and dust off the cobwebs of things that are old. Oh, habits, old ways of thinking, it is time to confront some things and not hold on or suppress what is still there. . So, I obeyed and gave my Dad a call and when I tell you that the sound of him hearing my voice he cried. He began to say I can’t believe you called me; I can’t believe you called me. Daughter, I love you, Daughter I love you, I just didn’t understand, and I’ve been so depressed. Now, you may be asking why he was so excited and crying. My Dad and I have had an on-and-off relationship for years. While we both have always loved each other there has been somewhat of resistance from my end because I didn’t want to be hurt. Me confronting my fears broke his fears! It broke something in him. We don’t always understand why God presses upon our hearts to confront the things we don’t want to confront. It is time to balance, reconsider some things, and bring things to a union. It is time to prepare yourself for Freedom and in order to do that you have to confront some hard things. That could be people, your circumstances, things within yourself (character flaws), generational curses, etc.
In that, I had to let my walls down and commit to some things. God said he wants me to see things through his lens. John 3:30- He must become greater, and I become less. If confronting things is left unresolved you can sometimes forget what you are here for.
Romans 8: 28- And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those, who are called according to His purpose. Nothing in life is wasted. God continues to use every circumstance of our lives for His purposes. To bring glory. When we do things together with him, we can’t fail or fall. God continues to work on us because He loves us!
Understand that as we grow and elevate and in order to grow and elevate, we. How can you help other people if you don’t confront the very things that will help free others?
It’s like having things on a shelf or in a box that have sat for a long time, hidden and most times dust begins to surround it. We have moved on with our lives and forget that it was ever there.
What are some things that God has been pressing upon your heart to confront? What is the posture of your heart? While is it awesome to be gifted, called, and many other things, it is also important that we continue to be representatives of the heart of God. In order to do that sometimes, we have to confront the hard things that have hardened our hearts and built walls. Sometimes we don’t always know until God shows us. Psalms 139:23- Search me thoroughly, O God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious heart.
Love ya and Always BEYOU!