Power of Words!
Hey BeYoutiful!
When you hear yourself speak, what do you say about yourself?
I was speaking with a friend the other day about the power of my words. I realized something, for most of my life, I have never spoken or believed that I was more than what I thought I was. I have never really spoken positively about myself until others began to see in me what I didn’t see in myself I never really believed that I was who God says that I AM. By the time I reached my late thirties, I had to begin understanding the value that I indeed carried. It had to begin with the words that I spoke into my life and over my life. You see I spoke into the lives of others but I didn’t speak into my own. Sheesh! Oh, the tears that are running down my face right now.
Have you ever heard the saying, “Your words have power”? Be careful what you speak over yourself. Two of the most powerful words spoken from God were “I AM”. That meant that He was the beginning and the end! He existed in everything, He lacked nothing and was complete. These two words I had to also believe for myself.
The Holy Spirit lives within us. We lack nothing! We are complete! The most powerful words that you can also speak about yourself is “I AM”. Who are you? I AM Whole, I AM Healed, I AM Complete, I AM Loved, I AM Unique, I AM Beautiful, I AM Secure, I AM Favored, I AM Smart! Learn to speak powerful and positive words over yourself. Learn to believe who God says you ARE! One of my favorite lines in the movie “Black Panther” is when Angela Bassett’s character tells her son T’Challa…… SHOW THEM WHO YOU ARE! Y'all, I feel like that is exactly what God tells me constantly! It is time for me to believe it! We don’t have to try harder to become who God says we are. We must see ourselves complete through God’s eyes, and you will begin to love who you see!
Take today and begin to believe that you ARE who God says you ARE! Be mindful of the words that you speak out of your mouth!
Colossians 2: 10 ~ So you are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.
Love You Always!