Undeniable Consistency
Today, I am on Day 7 of the "100 Days of Believing Bigger," It talks about consistency with God and how sometimes we allow others' inconsistency and our disappointments to cause a dent in our relationship with God. So I decided to take each day to share and answer questions from this devotional that may pertain to my own life.
How has disappointment in others put a dent in your trust regarding your relationship with God?
I can recall for many years relying on the words and promises of so many people. I mean, hanging on their every word. Yall, I mean I would plan out everything based on what would be said. I had expectations. When I realized that those individuals weren't going to keep their word, make excuses, or lie, it would make me so mad and cause great disappointment. They were inconsistent! It also began to cause major doubt in people. I got to a place where I would say out of my mouth, "I'll believe it when I see it," when people would say they would do something. I am still like even today. I do my best to avoid getting my hopes up in what people say to me or what they say they will do. Yes, it's because of major disappointments. What I didn't realize is that it has also caused a dent in my relationship with God. It caused there to be a wall between God and me. Even prayer was and has been a struggle. There would be times when I would pray for things, and it didn't come to pass as I wanted. "Yes, that I wanted." I was disappointed in Him, and people would say, ask, and you shall receive. Or they would say pray about it. I would get so annoyed at hearing that. What I didn't realize was I was comparing God to other people. Big NO, NO! God is nothing like a man; He will NEVER disappoint us or NOT keep His word! It's wrong to compare God to people. I did that for so long. The reality is that people are going to disappoint you, and even you will disappoint others. I am not perfect, but I never want my relationship with my Father to be affected by how I have viewed other people. I have had to ask for forgiveness in every way. I still have the mindest of "I'll believe it when I see it" or not holding on to someones' word with everything in my because yes, I do not want to be disappointed. I even find myself debating with my thoughts on whether or not they will be consistent. When it comes to God, I trust him, and I am learning to trust him more and more every day.
So, I want to ask you the same question: How has disappointment in others put a dent in your trust when it comes to your relationship with God?
Dear Father,
Please help me let go of all the disappointments and inconsistencies of past relationships and forgive those who have hurt me. I do not want to have resentment in my heart. Please forgive me for comparing others to you. Help me always to remain consistent with you. Teach me how to trust you, God, no matter what others say or do. Amen
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" Hebrews 13:8 ESV
Stay tuned for Day 8! You are so LOVED!
Love you Much and Stay Fabulous!