⭐️Who Are You?!⭐️

Hey, BeYouties!

Do you ever find yourself asking the question" “Who Am I?”  I do, but when I ask that question, I am asking God instead of just myself. Why you may ask? Well, the answer is simple, it’s because I am constantly evolving daily. I have found that my whole identity lies in the one who created me and that is God. There was a time in my life when I couldn’t say that and I didn’t know who I was. There are such beautiful intricate details of who we are in God's eyes, but we all have struggled with identity issues in many various ways.

At the tender age of 19, I found myself expecting a child. As I prepared to welcome a new life into the world, I was still unraveling the threads of my own identity. I wanted to be a good mother, so I poured my heart and soul into doing just that. When my son arrived, I gave my all in the role of mother, and caregiver, meeting all the needs this small person needed from me, however in that, I never really found my identity. Little did I realize the internal battles and childhood insecurities that would emerge, causing me to question everything. I sought my identity in many things such as relationships, sexual sin,  material wealth/money, friendships, family, superficial things, and outward appearances.  Many things can shift our identity and cause us to question who we are. Past experiences of insecurity, childhood traumas like bullying, different kinds of abuse, or other challenges, can shape our identities and lead us on a lifelong quest of self-discovery.

 I remember there were times when people would ask me “Who are you” or ask “Tell me a little bit about yourself” and I could never answer that question. It was very hard for me. If you ask me today, I could tell you many things because even as a grown woman I am finding out things about myself daily.  I know what I like, what I want, what I don’t want, my needs, my desires, my No’s, my Yes’s, and many other things. Many of us carry many titles, but who are you outside of all of those titles? Ladies, I have made so many mistakes in every season and area of my life. God had to show me every area where I had placed my identity. It was a raw eye-opener to see where I had put my identity. Although it's a process, God is continuing to heal me in several areas, and I am learning to accept myself for who I am in HIM. It all goes back to wanting to be accepted, loved, valued, cherished, embraced, and seen.

Sometimes we allow the routines of the world to tell us who we are. We fall into the pressures of society and try to be what they tell us. Who does God say that you are?

God says I AM……

  • I Am Chosen - Ephesians 1:4

  • I am Adopted - Ephesians 1:5

  • I Am A Child of God - 1 John 3:1

  • I Am Forgiven - 1 John 1:9

  • I Am seen by God as Holy - Colossians 1: 22

  • I Am called to accomplish God’s purpose - Romans 8:28-30

  • I Am justified - Romans 5:1

  • I Am sanctified, set apart by God’s spirit - 1 Corinthians 6:11

  • I Am sealed - Ephesians 1:13

  • I Am an heir of God - Romans  8:16-17

  • I Am complete in Christ - Colossians 5:20

  • I Am reconciled to God  in harmony with him - Romans 5:10

  • I Am being conformed to the character of Christ - Romans 8:29

  • I Am cleansed -1 John 1:7

  • I Am Redeemed - Ephesians 1:7

Keep your mind saturated with God's word. It is a reminder of His unconditional love for you. Remember that God is the one that ultimately evaluates you. Don't hold on to your past mistakes but embrace your new identity in Christ. It reads in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, and the new is here! I have been made brand new in the image of Christ. Beloved, it is the most beautiful thing EVER! Are you in a place where you are holding on to your old life? Is it because you don't want it to leave? Sometimes we hold ourselves back from embracing who God sees us as. I know I did for many many years. Surrender your old identity so that you will have the capacity to welcome your new identity fully. Whether you are a young adult, middle-aged, or older continue to allow yourself to go through self-discovery.

Can I leave you with this one last thing? Your name means something GREAT! Your name CARRIES weight! Your name is HIGH in the heavens, so embrace WHO YOU ARE and WHOSE YOU ARE!

Don’t allow people to tell you who they think you are, but remind them who God says you are!! You are loved and embraced by someone more powerful than anyone on this earth! Don’t you forget it!

When you look in the mirror, ask yourself, WHO AM I? Who do you say you are? What are you believing about yourself? How do you see yourself? Let today begin as a new day to put away all false ideas of who you are and let God saturate your mind and heart with his unconditional love. You are SOMEBODY! I am remembering the words from one of my favorite movies, "The Help" You Is Smart, You Is Important, You Is Kind, and You Are Loved!

I love you forever and always!🌸💞

Melani~ A BeYoutiful Flower

Melani Pearson